Indus valley civilization



    Indus Valley civilization was  the first civilization that emerged in  India. As the name Suggests, it came along the bank of   Rive Indus, which is now in Pakistan. Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were the two largest cities in the Valley. At the centre of  both Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, there existed a spectacular mound Which served as a citadel. 
Beyond the citadel, shops and workers’houses were built. 


The People of the Indus Valley Carried on a busy trade across the Arabian sea  and  up the Persian 
Gulf  to Bahrain (then Dilmun). 

Archaeologists have found soapstone stamping seals  in Bahrain and in the remains of   Ur (now in Iraq ). The Indus Valley Civilization came  to an end about 3500 years ago.

 Scholars Suggest the 

flooding and change in

 course of the River 

Indus or attacks  from 

Aryan invaders as the 

probable of the 

destruction of the 



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